Wednesday 24 June 2015

Not long now for my scary challenge

I'm hoping to have a full house of climbers by tomorrow, ready for Sunday and the rock wall challenge.  I won't look down I think!  Did I mention I was terrified of heights?!

My food challenge finally was completed on Saturday at a barbecue with a sampling of white pudding, and to my surprise I didn't dislike it.  I have to say there weren't too many items in the list of 40 I'd try again, apart from peanut butter and banana which has been added to my regular sandwich list now.

Next week hopefully will see another challenge completed, assuming people at my school fayre come and throw wet sponges at me.  I'm also hoping a few more quid might get thrown in the tin, to keep the total creeping up.  I think there will be also a huge chunk taken out of my 40 hours of volunteering in the next week too.  I'm booked in for an all dayer for the school fayre and most of the previous day too.  So if you happen to be in Tamworth next Saturday, come and pay me a visit and throw wet sponges at me.

The films are rattling away at a fair old pace, first two Harry Potter's and the first Pirates of the Caribbean this week, so done up to 2003 now.  As they get newer there are more things the kids want to watch now!

Watch this space for climbing photos next week.
Don't forget it's not too late to donate.

Thursday 18 June 2015

Climbers needed!

My rockwall challenge is fast approaching ans as yet there are only 3 out of the 6 places filled.  I am in desperate need to find 3 more people to climb with me.  Given I am terrified of heights I'm sure there must be someone who enjoys this sort of thing.

As I type a plea has gone out, and hopefully it will get answered!

I've been busy clocking up the new foods, up to 39 now!  Jimmy Spices is a great place to try all manor of weird and sometimes wonderful Asian foods.  I also tried the delights of buffalo burgers at Download last week.  I have to say a couple of bites and Rob was given the rest.

The films are going well too Unbreakable from 2000 was my latest and the kids have insisted Harry Potter is next.
I'm also clocking up plenty of hours volunteering.  Organising a school summer fayre seems to be taking over my life at the moment.

I'll keep this short and sweet, and hopefully by my next blog another challenge might be chalked off.

Thanks for reading.

Saturday 6 June 2015


Just as I said it had all gone quiet, I check my justgiving page, that has suddenly stopped emailing me my donations to see to my amazement that I have now surpassed £1000.

When me and my little sister dreamed this 40 before 40 one evening on Facebook a couple of months ago I never thought it would get so big.  I've do fundraising even before I was ill, having lost my best friend to cancer at just 18,  but never before have I ever been part of such an achievement.

I walked the race for life on chemo and raised a few hundred.  I've done the great midland fun run a few times again raising similar amounts, and a couple of Macmillan coffee mornings, but have never even got close to £1000.

My 40th year has already been so memorable, and I have so many more memories yet to make.

Thank you for being part of my 40th year!

It's all gone quiet

Things have slowed down on the challenge front as my life whizzes around at a tremendous pace at the moment.  I'm still just a few pounds shy of £1000 which I'm still hoping to reach soon.

A lot of the challenges are taking their time to complete although I'm pleased to report that I'm half way through the films, Dangerous minds being my latest offering from 1995.  I've spent many hours this week trying to arrange a school quiz and summer fayre, so I'm easily past halfway in my 40 hours of volunteering.  If I logged every moment I spent sending email, communicating with various people, designing forms and posters, I'd have passed 40 hours already!

I'm still struggling to get people to commit to joining me on the climbing wall challenge, so far it's me and Samuel who've paid for me to scare myself half to death up a wall on a bit of rope!

We had a flurry of card games whilst away on our caravan holiday during half term, and I purchased half a dozen books from my childhood to keep me going over the coming months.

The walking group restarted after the holidays and I chalked up another 5.5 mile walk.  Now I just need to practice the up hill bit for Snowdon!

The last few weeks of school are always the busiest, but whilst all this is going on, I didn't think I'd still be around to see my son finish primary school.  When you get a cancer diagnosis, you start planning for the worst.  I'd chosen my hymns for my funeral in my mind before I'd even been officially diagnosed, and I even thought about whether anyone from the school choir would attend, as my kids have both been part of it through their time at school.  My son's last day next month will be emotional for me in more ways than one.  We all will move on to the next big part of our lives in the coming months, something I didn't think I'd see back in November 2010.  All I can say is there will be tears!

Please keep sharing and supporting.