Thursday 18 June 2015

Climbers needed!

My rockwall challenge is fast approaching ans as yet there are only 3 out of the 6 places filled.  I am in desperate need to find 3 more people to climb with me.  Given I am terrified of heights I'm sure there must be someone who enjoys this sort of thing.

As I type a plea has gone out, and hopefully it will get answered!

I've been busy clocking up the new foods, up to 39 now!  Jimmy Spices is a great place to try all manor of weird and sometimes wonderful Asian foods.  I also tried the delights of buffalo burgers at Download last week.  I have to say a couple of bites and Rob was given the rest.

The films are going well too Unbreakable from 2000 was my latest and the kids have insisted Harry Potter is next.
I'm also clocking up plenty of hours volunteering.  Organising a school summer fayre seems to be taking over my life at the moment.

I'll keep this short and sweet, and hopefully by my next blog another challenge might be chalked off.

Thanks for reading.

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