Sunday 10 May 2015

Wow £900

Yes I hit another landmark with week, the £900 total, £1000 is still definitely on.

Yesterday I completed the rugby double, not initially part of my challenge but I went to see my first ever rugby union match with my friend.  I've now seen both codes, and have had a thoroughly good time at both.

I think with the plans I have in place, my 40 challenge list should now be full.  I've got a few ideas in the pipeline for the last couple, more will be revealed later ....
Pipeline brings me nicely onto my next challenge.  Tomorrow I embark on the 10 day water challenge, which I saw as an idea from another charity fundraising site.  The idea is simple, drink only water (I'm allowed to eat too!) for 10 days and donate some of the money you've saved to your charity.  It would be lovely if I could sign a few people up to do this with me.  So if you're reading and thinking that's easy enough, then please take part and donate at the end via my justgiving page.
I'm going to a party on Saturday so it won't be as easy as is sounds, but I'll keep you posted.

Yesterday was a busy day, and I tried my first balti pie at the rugby, yet another new food to add to my list, definitely another like there, more than half way through now.  Can't remember if I mentioned last week's olives, but when they say a picture says a thousand words, here's mine!!

My other food challenge is almost complete, down to the last few flavours of crisps now, so I'm on the look out for the unusual ones or the ones that have slipped through the net.

This week has been very busy.  2 more books, The Wishing Chair and The Wishing Chair Again done.  I'm really not liking Enid Blyton as an adult.  Another 3 hours of volunteering ticked off too, helping at my last ever I hope primary school disco.

Snowdon finally has a rough date set now.  The first week of the school summer holidays.  I'm meeting with my sister in Wales depositing the kids, and dragging Rob along with me!  Selfie at the top I've been told.

Now I must get out of my PJs and get some ironing done for the week.

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