Sunday 3 May 2015

Sorry it's a bit late

I haven't posted in over a week, I'm not quite sure where this last week has gone.

Since my last post the total stands at almost £900, boosted by £40 yesterday at a freezing cold wet car boot sale in Chorley, Lancashire!  Me and my sister were due to do our car boot together yesterday, but my nephew was taken ill, so last minute rearranging saw my husband two boys and myself head off to a wet, windy and absolutely freezing car boot sale nearby my sister's.  I couldn't believe how cold it was for May bank holiday!!

I've had quite a few more donations since my appearance in the newspaper last week, and also had a go at canoeing as another challenge.  I didn't intend to go canoeing, it was meant to be just Samuel with the Scouts.  So there was me in the River Tame completely unprepared, and in unsuitable clothing, high-tops for a start.  Somehow I managed not to get wet, and was well looked after in a 4 man canoe in a boat which I was told was very difficult to capsize, good job really as I had no change of clothes.  I enjoyed the experience, although I had no idea how much hard work rowing actually is.

Earlier this week, the kindness and generosity of people showed again.  Someone who does not even know me has been inspired by my blog (I think) and journey and has kindly paid for me and a group of friends / volunteers to go climbing on a rock wall.  This is now booked in for the end of June.  I don't know whether to be excited or terrified, probably both.  Here is a girl who gets scared standing on a chair, so this will be a challenge for me in more ways than one!

There are very few spaces left in my 40 challenges to fill now, all I need to do is start getting some more of them completed now.  Not many more flavours of crisps left to go, down to my last 9 now.  They are getting more obscure as I go now  Monterrey chilli and goats cheese has to be the most unusual so far.
The only challenge I'm really going to struggle to compete is getting 40 people to do a challenge, or take part in a challenge for me.  If you are reading this now there are a few simple ways you could help.
You could join me in my walking group that meet on a Friday afternoon at 1.30.
You could just post an inspiring picture on the Centre's facebook page tag me and donate £1 or 2 to my justgiving page.
I'm sure there won't be too many takers to go up Mount Snowdon with me!
Thanks for keeping reading and supporting my cause.

I will finish with a thought for the wife of Rio Ferdinand who sadly died this week.  I am so lucky to still be here 5 years on.  Let us cherish every day we have.

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