Tuesday 4 August 2015

Just 6 left to complete

The end is in sight!
Just 6 more challenges left to complete, one of those being this blog that you have been reading throughout so just 5 more really!

Today and yesterday I spent time being a real couch potato finding online the rest of the computer games I played in my youth and young adulthood.  For those who do not know me as well I've always been a bit for a computer nerd, (but only just!)  I started at a young age with the grandstand tennis as anyone who is around the 40 mark will remember clearly.  I've recently seen one up and running in a museum!!  I then moved onto various consoles including the Atari 2600 where Sky Skipper was my favourite.  Check it out if you dare.  In my teens I had an Amiga 500 with my first window based operating system,  (none nerds now asleep) before moving onto Windows or DOS games on my first 486 and then the Playstation.  The 40 games were a real mixed bag from all of these, and don't you notice the graphics when playing them on modern PCs and even phones!!

I've not just been a couch potato though, since Saturday I've been busy cycling, 40 miles in a week.  Not that much some of you may be thinking, but for me who cycles no more than 5 or 6 miles a week, this has been pretty taxing to get on my bike every day.  All being well I'm actually hoping to finish in 5 days, assuming I get to Kingsbury Water Park and back in one piece tomorrow!!

So what's left you might be thinking.  I've got a handful of books and films to finish off.  They might get finished of the summer holidays if I'm lucky, and get off my laptop.  I've got an absolute mound of board games to get cracking on with the kids, so that should keep me pretty busy too.  I'm then helping to organise a Scout's sponsored swim, well at least go and talk to the kids, and get them to get sponsorship in early October.

A get together is planned in October at the centre to celebrate what has been achieved, and hopefully tie up anything left in the few remaining weeks of being 39!

I'll have to make sure I finish my blog leading up to my cancerversary which I've now worked out is the 3rd November when checking through my original consultation notes.  Time was a blur in the weeks leading up to diagnosis, so I never really remembered the exact date of being officially being told I had cancer.  Four days later I hit 40 a wonderful feeling to still be here to be able to say that.
I am thankful for being alive, and for all the opportunities I've had since cancer.

I'm also tremendously thankful for all the people who surround and support me every day.

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