Sunday, 18 October 2015

My Final Blog

In just 2 days time, the first of my 5 year anniversaries arrives.  As we celebrate my husband's 44th birthday, I will reflect on the day 5 years ago that changed my life forever, finding that lump that signaled the start of my cancer journey.

Over the last 6 or so months many of you have followed my journey on my most ambitious fundraising effort to day embarking on 40 challenges before my 40th birthday.  Well here now is my final challenge complete, with my very last entry, number 40 on my blog.

Last week we held a party at the Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre where a great many of you who've supported me over the last few months joined with me to celebrate.  It was a wonderful afternoon, with friends and family as well as clients and volunteers all popping in with food and plenty of flowers for me.  We raised a little more money on the way, but primarily this was all about celebrating the challenges and the fact that I am still standing here 5 years on.  There were a few tears shed for those who couldn't be with me to share my special day.
I carefully chose my outfit for the occasion wearing a breakthrough breast cancer necklace my parents bought me for my 35th birthday, shortly after diagnosis.  I had a pink ribbon bracelet handmade by my sister when I was on treatment, and finished it of with one of my pink bandanas worn here as a neck scarf but was used to cover my bald head during treatment.  I've always been one to make a statement since getting cancer.

Here a few of the images from the day;
3 survivors all of us have beaten breast cancer in the last 5 years

A gift from the Tamworth Wellbeing and Cancer Support Centre 

My husband who's backed me all the way with my hair brained schemes

I now know that 14 of the cubs and scouts from my son's scout pack have raised around £100 for the centre too, which will mean that my final total for 40 before 40 will be in excess of £1500, a truly amazing amount of money.

So looking back over my 40 before 40 I have had some great experiences, from riding a Boris Bike to the exhilaration of conquering my fear of heights  and reaching the top of the climbing wall.  I can look back with pride overcoming my shear panic on mount Snowdon to making it to the top and back in one piece!  I had great fun trying 40 new foods, and munching on 40 different types of crisps.  I recaptured some of my youth by playing on retro computer games and reading classics from my childhood.  I experienced canoeing and watching rugby for the first time.  I even did a few healthy things like riding my bike, and 40 days of fitness.  My friends and family will hope never to see me in public in a monkey onesie ever again, although I'm quite attached to it now!
It has been great that people have stopped me to ask how my challenges have been going and were keen to know what's next.  Now that is the big question what could top 40 before 40?!

I go into the next couple of weeks knowing they will be very emotional.  My anniversary just days before my birthday is a date I never would have imagined ever seeing when I first stepped foot out of that clinic 5 years ago.  I'll be spending my 40th with the people who matter the most to me, my family, and it will be a really special time.

Many people fear turning 40, not me, it has been an ambition for the last 5 years of my life!

I'd like to think of those now just stepping onto the path I have trodden and hope that I can inspire them to believe they will get through and will beat cancer like I have.

Cancer will always be a part of my life.  I've got a pretty big scar across the middle of my chest to remind me.  It does not embarrass me though.  I look at myself in the mirror and it gives me strength. Loosing a boob does not define a woman, it is what she chooses to do with her life after that does.

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