Friday 17 April 2015

A busy day eating cake

Today saw another few challenges completed and my getting nearer to the absolutely amazing target of £700.
People are stopping me now and asking me what's next and are showing a real interest in my challenges, which is wonderful, almost as good as the amounts of money that have been pouring in!

The coffee morning was another huge success today.  As well as generating another £90 for the Centre we got people through the door who didn't even know where we were or what the centre was all about.  Hopefully people left today with the same warmth I feel every time I walk in.

Another challenge today was to try a madras curry.  For some this might not seem like much of a challenge, but for me the chicken tikka girl it was a biggy!   Well I have to say shop bought madras was more than palatable.  I'm going have to try the authentic Indian restaurant one at some point, as I fear that might not be quite so easy!  I added Peshwari naan to my list of untried foods, and I purchased a jar of peanut butter, after a chat at the coffee morning about peanut butter and jelly (jam I believe) sandwiches.  That will be next on my list to try.  Surely it can't be as bad as marmite?

It was also suggested that I try being harnessed in and released down a zip wire for another challenge, for me who is terrified of heights, I'm almost considering it!

Today was a huge day all round.  I'm getting such a buzz from all these challenges, what will I do when I complete them all?  I'm not sure I do "normal"

Anyway tomorrow is the fundraising quiz, dressed as you would expect in a monkey onesie!

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