Saturday 14 March 2015

Challenges gaining momentum but no more sponsorship

I've hit a bit of a barrier with fundraising since I last posted on Tuesday.  I've still not broken the £160 mark yet.  Please continue to share with friends and ask if they'll give even just a couple of quid, or perhaps put loose change in a pot for me for 40 day and see what we get.  The pennies all make pounds.  The centre I'm sure will be happy to collect your loose change, and I can include it in my fundraising total.  I'd love to get £400 before November.

Anyway back to the challenges.  Yesterday I embarked on the most physically demanding one so far.  I completed 40 lengths of a 25m pool that's 1km in total in 40 minutes, with 40 seconds or so to spare.  Now I know that might be particularly fast for a good swimmer but for me that was real hard work.
I got in the pool behind an older gentleman who seemed to take up the entire lane swimming.  He was also swimming ever so slightly slower than me.  This meant I needed to overtake him to be on target for my challenge.  If you picture two lorries on the M42 one trying to overtake the other you get the idea!  Except this one wasn't going to flash me in, or at least I hope not!  Anyway after using my strength to overtake I really had to work to get some distance between us.  After about 20 lengths, the sun started shining through the windows.  Now yesterday morning had been terrible, so when the sun started shining on me I saw it as a sign!  As I got to my last two lengths I thought of all the people I knew who'd lost their cancer battles, and I felt so immensely proud finishing.
The funniest thing about the entire challenge was on my return to the lockers, there in the cubicle where I'd been were neatly sat my trainer where I'd left them!  I'd been in such a tizz getting ready for the challenge I'd left them behind.  Fortunately I didn't need to drive home barefooted, now that would have been interesting.

So that's challenge two completed just 38 more to go.  I still really need other people to help complete some of them.  I'm still after inspiring photos for you to upload.  You can tweet them to me @louise_vernon.  I'm that tech savvy I had to look it up, include the tag #inspireme4040.

Thanks to a friend and volunteer at the centre I'm now well underway knitting some legwarmers to wear for another challenge!  Photos will follow.
I've started yet another challenge to volunteer for 40 hours.  This doesn't have to all be at the centre, as I also help out with my youngest's school and occasionally with his scout pack.  I started recording my volunteering when I helped with the kids at the schools swimming gala on Thursday, that was two hours in the changing rooms and poolside helping to supervise the team.  I then spent another two hours at the centre helping to setup for a table top sale today.  I think I've talked myself into running the school summer fayre in July so I've no doubt that my 40 hours will soon get completed!

I think that is enough rambling for this blog entry.  Hope you have a good weekend, and if you are lucky enough to be a mum, or be with your mum enjoy it this weekend!

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