Tuesday 24 March 2015


So it's 5.30 in the morning.   I'm sat here wide awake so what a great time to post a blog!
I'm on my mobile phone so I'm not sure how the spelling and grammar will look later!
Things are ticking along nicely with challenges at the moment although I'll need some new ones soon.  Probably the reason whilst I've been wide awake since 4.15.
I'm over half way through 40 days of exercise and so far have not missed a day.  I've done lots more walking these last few weeks.  I've read over a quarter of my childhood books and tried 12 different new foods and drinks only two of which I like and may ever have again.  I always knew I was a fussy eater.  Chariots of fire has now been ticked of my film list ET is next, just a slight contrast.
I have lots of ideas of things I could do but they are all just so expensive, perhaps a challenge would be to find free challenges to do!? Now that gets complicated at this time of the morning.
Thanks again for the tremendous support.  Lots of people have been talking about my challenges and donating too.  This has given me such a buzz.  It might sound strange but I have no regrets about having cancer.  Yes it does change who you are and yes I still worry that it will come back.  It has however let me appreciate more things and has hopefully made me a better person.  The scar across my chest does not shame me it inspires me.  Now if my challenges make just a tiny bit of difference to someone battling then they will be worth it.  I've experienced the real lows of the treatment not working now I'm experiencing the highs of being there for others.
Enough philosophical talking for now and hopefully some sleep before I need to get up for work.

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